Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A special surprise!

Yesterday, I had invited the young ladies from our church to a surprise brunch to help celebrate Kristina's birthday. She had no clue anyone was coming. It was so fun to see her reaction when the girls pulled up to the house. Fun was had by all! Thanks girls for making it so special for Kristina :o)

Happy Birthday my sweet baby girl. I love you!!

Per Kristina's request, we went to Red Lobster for dinner......YUM!!

Here is Kristina with her Daddy and her new Hope Chest. It was made by his own loving hands!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lots of updates

Hi! Sorry I haven't been very faithful at keeping this blog updated very well. It's been a busy couple of months around here.

We still have 2 males puppies left to sell from our litter that was born on March 18th. I have to tell you, these two guys are gorgeous!! They are by far the best looking puppies we have ever had. They have big blocky heads, broad chests, and great conformation. I honestly can't believe they are still here. They will be 12 weeks old on Thursday. We have one puppy from another litter that we have decided to keep. We've named her Meadow. She is snow white and beautiful. One day, she is going to produce some beautiful puppies.

Speaking of animals, we have decided to add to our critters here on the farm. Last Saturday we got two kittens from some friends. The girls named them Dawson & Patches. They are brother & sister.

The garden is growing well. I can't wait to be able to start eating some of the produce from it. Nothing is better than garden fresh veggies.

Next week, Kristina will be *SWEET 16*!!! Grandma Becker is coming up from Iowa to stay with us for 5 days. That's always a lot of fun. Kelli will also be coming home next Wednesday. She is going to spend the night and then help us celebrate Kristina's big day on Thursday. We're taking her out to dinner at Red Lobster (her choice). She is really excited because when the girls turn 16, Daddy makes them a Hope Chest. She already has lots of things to put inside it :o)

Well, I guess that's my update for now. I'll try and be more consistant on the writing. Until next time........Be Blessed!