Thursday, October 21, 2010

Birthday Fun!

Like I said in my last post, we were going to be celebrating Kaitlyn's *18th* birthday. Well, we did and had a wonderful time!! Kaitlyn was so surprised that three of our favorite familes came out to help celebrate. We had a yummy BBQ.  They all played volleyball, sat by the bonfire, and the best part of all, they had a major bluegrass jam session. Kaitlyn got to play her brand new mandolin. Thank you everyone for making this a special day for Kaitlyn. Enjoy the pictures :o)

Friday, October 15, 2010


Tomorrow we will be celebrating Kaitlyn's *18th* birthday. How on earth has 18 years already went by? Wasn't it just yesterday that we were on the way to the hospital to have our baby?

As I sit here and reflect on the past 18 years I am reminded of how very blessed I am. Blessed to be a Christian. Blessed to be married to a wonderful, loving, godly husband. And, blessed to be the Mother to three beautiful daughters. Thank You, Lord, for these gifts. May I never take them for granted!

Happy Birthday to my precious girl. I love you Kaitlyn!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Early Morning Visitors

I was awake this morning before anyone else, so I quietly slipped downstairs and started a pot of tea. As I was filling my teapot, I happened to glance out the kitchen window. The sun was not up yet, so it was still a little dark. As I looked out the window, I noticed something moving by our woods. At first I thought one of our dogs got out of their kennels. I continued watching and noticed it was 2 deer! A momma and her fawn. I went upstairs and woke up Kaitlyn to come and see. She grabbed the camera and took some pictures and a couple videos. The two deer were joined by two more. They ran, jumped, and played in the yard as we quietly watched from the window. I love living in the country! It is so amazing to be a part of God's glorious creation. (Sorry that the pictures are a little dark and fuzzy. It was still pretty dark out and we couldn't use the flash against the window.)