Friday, February 18, 2011

Guess who was born *48* years ago????


I can't not believe I am the age that I am, but it's true, SIGH! I still feel like I'm 18. Thankfully, I am much wiser than I was at 18. (At least I hope I am). I've received lots of phone calls, emails, and cards today wishing me Happy Birthday. How sweet for so many people to remember me. I feel loved! The best gift I ever received was when I was 33. God, chose to open my spiritual eyes and ears to His truths and called me to be His child. I have been following Him for the last 15 years and it just keeps getting better all the time. Thank You, Lord, for loving me and giving me life!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's been a long time

It has been over two months since I've posted. I really wish I would have journaled all that has gone on over the last four months so I could always remember it. However, I didn't, so now I will have to just go from memory. I will try and be more diligent in my writing.

It was the beginning of October and once again North Carolina was the main topic of our conversations. We have been talking about NC for the last three years. We had been out there a few times and loved the area. We really felt drawn there. We wish now, we would have listened to our hearts and moved there before we bought this house. Moving here, was a mistake. God is in the business of taking our messes and changing them into something good, so we know it's only a matter of time.

Our nightly devotions usually ended in prayer for wisdom and discernment about moving to NC. One of our daughters was totally on board, the other, not at all! We just prayed for God to soften her heart and be open to change. He did, and she is :o)

We decided to step out in faith and make plans toward the goal of relocating to NC. We had a couple of garage sales in October and sold everything we wanted to sell and then some! The girls decided to sell their horses and they sold in one day for double the price they bought them for. We sold our van, and 4 of our dogs. We were trying to downsize to prepare for our move. We even had a woman from our garage sale ask us if we were selling our home. We told her we were. She is very interested, but not ready to buy at this point.

After we came back from our visit to North Carolina in December, we decided it was time to put our house on the market. We did in mid January. We are waiting for the Lod to send the right buyer at the right time.

In the mean time, while we wait, we have been going through things. Downsizing as much as we can. Selling furniture, giving things away, getting the house in order. The wait is hard, but we know in the end, it will all be worth it.